"What Next?" Art journal, watercolour and collage
With the Forest series of watercolours I have been working on, I have had two or three pieces going at the same time, but when I finished "Constellation" a couple of days ago, I didn't have another piece on the go. So I've been feeling like I'm "between things." Time to start the next painting. And that can be surprisingly difficult.
But this daily thing, which keeps art on the front burner, is really working for me... thanks to you. If you weren't out there expecting a daily post, tonight I might have just clicked on the next episode of House of Cards instead of going to my art journal and facing down the blank page.
I didn't know what to do. So I just did stuff. I dripped watercolour paint while blowing a hair dryer at it. I drew a couple of lines with metallic marker and added some scraps of rice paper. It still needed something; I stuck on some leftover bits from magazine collaging, then it told me to stop.
Sometimes when things evolve in this stream-of-consciousness way, I look at the result and think I might be trying to tell myself something. I think this is saying keep going, keep flying, watch for the muse.